"Women with Their Carrying Bowls, Ready to Collect Water from the Holes After the Rain Has Stopped" by Joan Sultan captures a vibrant scene of women preparing to gather water. This extensive title, handwritten on the back of the canvas by the artist, is accompanied by a description of the iconography. The U-shapes represent the women, the circles symbolize the waterholes, and the oval shapes depict the carrying bowls (coolamons), all centered around a campfire.
Joan Sultan hails from a family of gifted artists, including her brother, the accomplished painter Reg Sultan, who inspired her to pursue painting. Her siblings, June and Trephina Sultan, are also noted artists and musicians, contributing to the family's rich artistic legacy.
The painting highlights the significance of water collection in Aboriginal culture, emphasising the role of women in sustaining their communities. The scene is brought to life with intricate details and vibrant colours, reflecting the harmony between the people and their environment.
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